Please note that the on-demand session does not offer CE credits


Precision-Guided Implant Placement. 
Dr. Raj Virk

“Victorious warriors win first and then go to war, while defeated warriors go to war first and then seek to win.” – Sun Tzu “The Art of War”
Positioning a dental implant in the ideal three-dimensional position is one of the most critical aspects of dental implantology. Unfortunately, it is also one of the most challenging aspects. This webinar will present how one can overcome these challenges with astonishing ease by unleashing the power of the OneGuide solution. A practical step-by-step approach from web-based treatment planning to efficient precision-guided implant placement will be shown with clinical examples. Participants will discover how the OneGuide system allows a seamless transition from planning to execution.

1. Presenting the step-by-step OneGuide workflow
2. Displaying how to integrate OneGuide into everyday clinical scenarios
3. Showcasing how to maximize clinical precision and efficiency with the OneGuide system


Immediate Implant Placement & GBR Techniques: Application of Different Technique by Understanding the Fundamentals.
Dr. Jay Son

With emergence & incorporation of Digital Dentistry, the customized surgical guide is becoming more readily utilized and popularized. Today, it is more important for dentists to make a right diagnosis & treatment plan; therefore, dentists can make & use surgical guides in a right way. Higher predictability of implant dentistry is most closely associated with better case selections by understanding of correct treatment flow. The more complex the cases are, the more emphasis to be put on understanding the fundamentals of hard & soft tissue’s biomechanical mechanisms, favoring the long term prognosis. What are some of the clinical guidelines that we can apply?

Session 1
1. Things to keep in mind for Successful Implant Dentistry
2. The Concept of prosthetically driven Surgical Discipline:
3. Fundamentals of Immediate Implant Placement: Healing of Extraction Sockets
4. External Dimensional Changes after Tooth Extraction: Bundle Bone Theory
5. Soft Tissue Response After Extractions: Changes in Gingival scalloping and guidelines for Interproximal papilla Regeneration
6. Tx Planning Immediate Implant Placement: Things to Consider
7. Tx flow & Useful Guidelines for Immediate Implant placement: Gap Distance, Dual Zone Grafting


Session 2 
1. Optimal Timing for Implant Placements after Extraction: Pros & Cons of different approach
2. Tx flow & Useful Guidelines for different types of Extraction Sockets: Consideration of both Soft & Hard Tissues
3. Alveolar Ridge Difficiency & Principles of Giuided Bone Regenration
4. 3 factors for Vital Bone Formation: Integrating concepts of Biological Mechanisms of Bone into vital bone formation


Session 3 | April 25 | 1 CE CREDIT
1. Applications of different types of Bone Graft materials & Barrier membranes: Sandwich Bone Augmentation
2. Managing different types of Bone Defects: 5 categories of defects/deficiencies & intra/extra-bony implant placement
3. Clinical indications of different types of GBR Techniques: Which techniques to go for?
4. Guidelines for Successful GBR procedures


Case Acceptance: “The Simple Secrets.”
Karen Young

Teamwork. There is no I in team!
Empowering your team to co-discover with your patients their oral health condition and to assist you as an extension of yourself.

1. The “Three Second Rule” Learn How To Build Rapport
2. Effective Communication- Involving Your TEAM!
3. Why Patients Do Not Accept The Treatment
4. How And When To Present The Fee
5. Five Strategies That Will Help Increase Your Acceptance Rate
6. The Simple Secrets

. Learn how to build rapport immediately.
. Learn how to communicate as a team. Strength is in numbers.
. In turn the attendee will learn how to present the findings from the diagnostic appointment to the patient.
. Learn how to make patients aware of the severity of their problem and then turn it around to a positive result.


Scared of Sinus Lifting? Making it EASY with the CAS-Kit.
Dr. Azeem Sheikh

Attempting to place implants in patients with a pneumatized maxillary sinus can create a challenging situation for many dental implant practitioners. This presentation will focus on utilizing an innovative technique for Indirect sinus lifting called the CAS-Kit from Hiossen. A step by step approach along with tips and tricks will be reviewed in order to provide the attendee with a basic overall understanding of how the kit works and its applications. Attendees will understand how utilizing the CAS-Kit with appropriate technique can safely allow them to treat one of the most common, yet intimidating areas in implant dentistry.

1. Rationale for Sinus Grafting
2. Advantage and Indications of Sinus Lifting using the CAS Kit
3. Step by step approach to performing safe indirect sinus lifting using the CAS Kit and graft materials
4. Case Examples with Live Surgery video


Immediate Implant Placement and Temporization in The Esthetic Zone.
Dr. Brian Ho

Immediate placement with immediate temporization is a critical skill set that all implant dentists will need to become familiar with or be left behind. Not only are the results ideal when the criteria and protocols are followed, but patient acceptance is unlike any other implant treatment. We can predictably and easily keep all of the peri-implant tissues intact by using the right protocols. Learn how to predictably replace your patients’ hopeless anterior teeth with a dental implant and fixed temporary all in one visit.

Learning objectives:
1. Identify when we can immediately place and temporize dental implants
2. Learn the principles of atraumatic extraction
3. Identify when hard tissue grafting is needed for immediate implant placement
4. Learn about 3D positioning of the implant for aesthetic success
5. Learn how to fabricate a fixed provisional restoration


Subgingival Biofilm Management; Are We at a Tipping Point?
Penny Hatzimanolakis

Technology has allowed dental implants to be more accessible to patients, which can improve their oral health. As primary health care providers, the dental team plays a pivotal role in maintaining these implants. Having fundamental knowledge of the implant components and debridement materials are central for achieving comprehensive care.

1. Assessment: What clinical parameters are relevant for assessing implants? Identify crucial components of the implant composition and mechanism.
2. Diagnosis: Learn how to identify healthy, and failed implants.
3. Planning: Learn to create care plans for healthy and peri-implant infections.
4. Implementation: Describe the various materials to use and those to avoid. Identify the concepts needed to effectively and safely debride around implants with non-abrasive powders.
5. Evaluation: Describe the complications, referral and recall intervals.


After COVID-19. Returning to the Office.
Karen Young

1. A New Look At How We Do Things
2. Taking those first steps back
3. Talking to your patients
4. Rescheduling patients, what sequence should we consider
5. Pain-how to handle the what is urgent and what can wait
6. Implant Surgery
7. Hygiene, getting patients back on track


Guided Implant Dentistry.
Dr. Cecilia Aragon

Nowadays implant placement protocols are widespread among clinicians all over the world. However, available literature, only partially analyses what can be potential benefits for the clinicians and patients, often focusing just on specific aspects, such as accuracy. The purpose of this webinar understand why we would use guided implant placement as compared to conventional treatment protocols.

1. Things to keep in mind for Successful Implant Dentistry
2. Review and understand the factors that affect proper implant positioning.
2. Understand what is guided implant dentistry.
3. Review and understand workflow in order to fabricate a surgical guide.
4. Comparison of surgical guides: tooth supported, tissue supported, bone supported.


Principles for Final Abutment Selections.
Dr. Shankar Iyer

The prosthetic management of dental implants has seen shifts in different types of abutments for restorations. These abutment choices range from stock abutments to custom abutments for cementable restorations and creative screw-retained solutions with UCLA abutments to screwmentable types with CAD-CAM technology.  This webinar will review all the possible options available for prosthetic restorations over dental implants and the mode of selecting the different types of abutments to guide the laboratories in fabricating the most optimal restoration that can be customized to the patient.

1.  Learn about the various types of implant abutments.
2. Plan and choose the ideal abutment for a clinical situation
3. Work with laboratories to design the retaining options for implant restorations
4. Understand the technological effectiveness and limitations ofTiBase and CAD CAM abutments


Principles for Dental Implants in Bridge Cases.
Dr. Shankar Iyer

The guidelines for single tooth implants are quite standardized and have been addressed in many courses and textbooks. When it comes to multiple implants to support a Fixed Partial Denture, the guidelines are quite vague.  Questions arise as to when to replace one implant per tooth or to do a three unit bridge supported by two implants.  If two implants can support an FPD in a Quadrant, can four implants support a full arch restoration?  This presentation will address the biomechanical and esthetic considerations for fixed bridges on dental implants

1. When does one use fewer implants to support implant FPDs
2. When do we consider utilizing one implant per tooth
3. The biomechanical consideration of splinting implants vs free standing
4. The biological implications of crowding implants and spacing requirements.


Natural Teeth and Multiple Implants: Effect on Treatment Planning.
Dr. Cecilia Aragon

Many of our patients are partially edentulous and looking for solutions to replace their few missing teeth. Most of the time, they do not realize that in order to replace their teeth, we must have to restore or alter their existing dentition. 

1. To implement in our offices an “ABC of treatment planning” when discussing options with our patients.
2. How to properly present a treatment plan to our patient.
3. To identify dental problems during the initial consultation that might lengthen the treatment.
4. To analyze the smile in order to provide the patient with options to improve the entire dentition.
5. To understand which type of restoration will benefit a particular patient.


Why dental implant? Why Not a Fixed Partial Denture? The Tidal Wave!
Karen Young

This lecture takes us back behind the scenes to understand at a deeper level why dental implants are the best option for tooth replacement therapy. Think back for a moment, that last time, when we were presented with the question, “how long have dental implants have been around?”, how did we respond? How about questions like, “when was the first dental implant placed, and how long do dental implants last? 

Empower the entire team to know the facts? This lecture reviews the history of dental implants and why today, dental implants should be considered the ideal option for tooth replacement therapy. We will discuss the pros and cons of placing a dental implant and a that of a bridge or also known as a fixed partial denture.  

We will together discuss the best ways to inform our patients of the longevity of dental implants and the patient’s responsibility post-operative. 

Crossing our T’s and Dotting our I’s. Consistency is the key! 

1. Explain the history of dental implants
2. Identify the rationale for dental implants; Pros & Cons
3. Identify that dental implants are a superior standard of care
4. Understand the long-term benefits of dental implants
5. Learn what responsibilities your patients must adhere to post-operative
6. Understand how to communicate in a way our patients will hear what we are saying


Minimally Invasive Soft Tissue Grafting Techniques for Teeth and Implant.
Dr. Naheed Mohamed

This webinar will showcase minimally invasive techniques in periodontal plastic surgery. A collection of microsurgical procedures will be demonstrated in order to treat conditions such as mucogingival defects, gingival recession, peri-implant defects, and papilla reconstruction. Various treatment modalities and the scope of soft tissue dental surgery will be presented along with innovative suturing techniques. The viewer will gain a better understanding of the versatility of soft tissue grafting and its advantages in various surgical applications.

1. The participant will gain an understanding soft tissue treatment planning.
2. Understand the benefits and applications of connective tissue, dermal allografts, and free gingival grafts
3. Gain an understanding of minimally invasive techniques to maximize aesthetics.
4. Gain a better understanding of the scope of soft tissue surgery and its various applications.


Immediate Molar Implant Therapy.
Dr. Brian Ho

The tooth type most commonly extracted due to caries and periodontal disease is the molar. In recent times, implant therapy has become a very popular treatment option to replace missing teeth given its many advantages. Still, we see many patients decline this treatment modality. One of the most commonly cited reasons for declining implant surgery is fear. By combining exodontia and implant placement into a single procedure, you can dramatically increase case acceptance by decreasing the number of surgeries and visits. Learn the technique to safely place implants in multi-rooted extraction sockets in order to cut down on treatment time, decrease the overall cost of treatment, and help restore function sooner.

1. Perform atraumatic extractions of multi-rooted teeth
2. Assess risk factors and avoid complications for immediate implant placement
3. Successfully perform implant surgery in multi-rooted sockets
4. Ensure uneventful healing and minimize tissue loss


New Trends in PRF Therapy.
Dr. Richard Miron

The use of platelet concentrates has had a long-history of use in various fields of medicine as an autologous source of growth factors fabricated utilizing centrifugation of blood under various conditions. While platelet rich plasma (PRP) was proposed as a first-generation platelet concentrate over 3 decades ago, over the past 10 years, platelet rich fibrin (PRF) has seen a steady increase in utilization for a variety of medical procedures due to its lack of anti-coagulation factors favoring fibrin clot formation and faster wound healing. This talk aims to highlight the recent advancements made with respect to the newest formulations of platelet concentrates including recent developments in horizontal centrifugation. Furthermore, an understanding of cell layer separation will be presented to further optimize liquid PRF when compared to traditional injectable-PRF protocols. Thereafter, the Bio-Heat technology will be presented with an ability to extend the working properties of PRF from 2-3 weeks towards several months. Furthermore, the launch of the Bio-Cool device allows for the extended use of liquid-PRF for facial esthetic procedures or various regenerative procedures requiring extended working time.

1. Optimization of protocols for any centrifugation device
2. Update on Bio-Heat technology and the ability to extend the working properties of PRF from 2-3 weeks to 4-6 months
3. Improve cell and growth  factor release using concentrated-PRF (C-PRF) protocols when compared to traditional injectable-PRF (i-PRF)
4. Launch of the Bio-Cool technology
5. Importance of PRF tubes for the fabrication of PRF


Achieving predictability in implant dentistry – Introducing the Cervico system for optimal emergence profile development.
Dr. John Tsourounakis

Adequate quality and quantity of mucosal tissues is a major determinant of peri-implant tissue health and long-term implant success. In order to achieve success when replacing missing teeth with dental implants, it is critical to understand the importance of balance and harmony between the restoration and the surrounding tissues. This presentation will highlight the importance of creating an ideal emergence profile for dental implant restorations. It will review deferent techniques for optimal peri-implant tissue development. This presentation will introduce the Cervico concept, an innovative system which highlights the simplicity in custom healing abutment fabrication, aiming to develop ideal peri-implant soft tissues. The Cervico system allows clinicians to establish an optimal emergence profile, utilizing a standardized, biologically oriented approach. It also, allows the restorative dentist to customize the impression coping, to provide the laboratory with accurate soft tissue impressions. Creating a proper emergence profile is essential to maintain the integrity of peri-implant soft tissues. Custom healing abutments help maintain the gingival architecture and create an ideal emergence profile, for the future implant restorations.

Upon completion of this presentation, participants should be able to:
1. Realize the importance of adequate volume and keratinization of peri-implant soft tissues on the maintenance of peri-implant health and soft issue esthetics.
2. Develop and maintain ideal soft tissue architecture around implant supported restorations.
3. Understand and utilize the Cervico system to generate anatomical emergence profiles around dental implants.
4. Identify the need for pre-prosthetic soft tissue augmentation and peri-implant tissue enhancement.
5. Understand how to accurately transfer the soft tissue profile to the laboratory technician to facilitate accurate fabrication of the final implant supported restoration.


Biological and Prosthetic Complications of implant restorations: Why recall is so important?
Dr. Cecilia Aragon

Once dental implants have been restored with either fixed or removable restorations, they will need to be monitored at least on a yearly basis to ensure peri implant tissues remain healthy. Also, implant restorations need to be assessed to make sure they continue to function properly

1. To understand why biologic complications happen after implants are loaded.
To understand why prosthetic complications happen after implants are loaded.
3. To develop a plan to treat implant prosthetic failures.
4. To develop a thorough consent form for implant surgery and for implant restoration.
5. To implement in our offices a protocol for implant recall appointment.


Principle of GBR & its clinical applications in different techniques with guidelines
Dr. Jay Son

Understanding the principles & the fundamentals of GBR is essential in understanding the different clinical approaches & techniques. What are some of useful guidelines we can apply for more successful GBR procedures?

1. Alveolar Ridge Difficiency & Principles of Giuided Bone Regenration
2. Applications of different types of Bone Graft materials & Barrier membranes
3. Managing different types of Bone Defects: 5 categories of defects/deficiencies & Intra/extra-bone implant placement
4. Clinical indications of different types of GBR Techniques: Which techniques to go for?
5. Guidelines for Successful GBR procedures


Roles and Responsibilities the Trusted dental Implant Coordinator.
Karen Young

  • Role Of The Implant Coordinator
  • The Value An Implant Coordinator Provides
  • Key Attributes Of A Successful Implant Coordinator
  • Getting Involved, Your Role In The Consultation
  • Modalities Of Educating Your Patients
  • Post-operative Instructions

1. Understand how to be utilized to increase production
2. To identify what it takes to become a trusted treatment coordinator
3. To be able to implement various methods of educating patients so that patients can move ahead with the recommended treatment
4. To be able to relate the importance of home-care and ensuring compliancy with maintaining 3-4-month hygiene visits 



The Tissue is Always the Issue!
Dr. Joshua Shieh

The successful use of dental implants to replace missing teeth has been one of the most popular, exciting, and evolving areas of clinical dentistry. As clinicians evolve with handling more complex clinical scenarios, the presence of optimal tissue is not always present. 
Implants can be placed and restored with compromised tissue, however, these may not show long term benefits for the patient leading to complications and eventual failure.
Literature shows the presence of healthy attached tissue at the tooth and implant soft tissue interface correlates with long-term success and stability in function and esthetics. There are several soft tissue grafting procedures that increase the volume of keratinized tissue and provide coverage on both teeth and implants.
This presentation highlights the importance of these various surgical techniques to augment and increase the volume of soft tissue around dental implants for long term stability and success of the restorations.

Session I

1. Learn to diagnose and identify deficient tissues in edentulous areas of the mouth to be replaced with dental implants
2. Understand the biology and importance of keratinised soft tissue around dental implants
3. Practice basic soft tissue surgical procedures such as connective tissue and free gingival grafts or tissue alternatives such as Acellular dermal matrices to enhance tissue profile and width of keratinised mucosa



Session II

The rationale for the peri-implant plastic surgery approach goes well beyond pure esthetics. Peri-implant plastic surgery focuses on harmonizing peri-implant tissue by means of hard & soft tissue engineering around implants and the prosthetic restoration. It is also important for creating peri-implant keratinized mucosa and interimplant soft tissue height in order to avoid food impaction, interimplant airflow and speech problems. Clinicians have the choice of connective tissue grafts or the use of acellular dermal matrices to achieve this goal.

Learning Objectives

  1. Understanding the need for additional soft tissue grafting around dental implants
  2. Use of connective tissue versus acellular dermal matrices
  3. Clinical tips for successful soft tissue augmentation arounddental implants


Extraction and ridge preservation
Dr. Cecilia Aragon

The success of a dental implant restoration is dependant on the proper positioning of the implant. Only with proper bone height and thickness, we will be able to achieve this goal.

1. To understand the process of healing once the extraction and grafting is completed.
To understand the importance of an atraumatic extraction and bone grafting of the socketwith an allograft.
3. To understand the differences in grafting materials as well as the need for membranes.
4. To review sutures techniques for doing alveolar ridge preservation.
5. To review postoperative care for patients undergoing this procedure.


Minimally Invasive Crestal Approach Sinus Lift
Dr. Alexander Yehnder Yeh

The Crestal Approach Sinus Lift technique is a relatively safe, and minimally invasive surgical method to increase vertical bone height in posterior maxillary implant cases that involve the maxillary sinus. It can allow the operator to lift the sinus membrane, place bone grafting material, and implant in the same osteotomy site in a single surgical session. Hiossen’s CAS Kit makes this procedure convenient and efficient.

1. Case selection
2. Hiossen CAS Kit components
3. Technique


Back to the Basics: Implant Surgery Principles & it’s applications for more predictable & Successful Clinical Outcomes
Dr. Jay Son

Despite the fact that surgical guides & digital dentistry are becoming more popular, surgically placing dental implants still remains to be challenging for many dentists. A clear understanding of evidence based implant dentistry with proper protocols & guidelines will allow dental practitioner to overcome those challenges. This webinar is designed to facilitate both new & experienced implant practitioners; Explore and build your surgical skills for implant placement on strong foundation of basic concepts/principles that can be easily incorporated into your practice.

Session 1

1. Classification of Dental Implant
Indication & Contraindications for Dental Implant
3. Concept of osteointegration: Contact Osteoogenesis vs. Distance Osteogenesis
4. Key Determinants of Successful Implant Placement
5. Natural tooth vs Implant: How it plays a crucial role in Implant Placement & Maintenance
6. Bundle Bone Theory: Understand the External Dimensional Change after Extraction
7. Osteotomy based on Bone Quantity & Quality assessment
8. Incision designs guidelines for Implant Surgery: Safer & More predictable approach based on understanding of Soft Tissue Anatomy


Session 2

1. I-Stage vs. II-Stage Implant Surgery: Indication & Guidelines based on clinical parameters
Evidence Based Treatment Planning: Radiograph protocols
3. More predictable & Esthetic outcomes of implant placement: Prosthetically driven Surgical Disciplines
4. Flap Advancement without Tension: Periosteal Releasing Incision & Partial Thickness Flap
5. Suturing: Ideal Suture Materials  for implant placement with integration of different suturing tecnniques
6. Treatment Planning Exercises for Implant Placement using CBCT of different clinical cases


Oral Health & Dementia; A Deeper Look InsideHow we can help our patients; Signs and Stages
Karen Young

  • What Is Dementia 
  • Identify Early Signs, What Are You Looking For
  • Identify The Link, Perio Disease And Dementia; PorphyromonasGingivalis
  • Conduct A Positive Approach; Tools To Aid When Treating Your Clients With Dementia 
  • Why 3-4-month Hygiene Visits Are Essential For Maintaining The Health Of Dental Implants

Learning Objectives

1. Identify Early Signs Of Dementia 
Learn How To Increase Positive Ways Of Interacting 
3. With Individuals With Dementia 
4. Identify Several Causes Of Dementia 
5. Understand How To Manage A Patient With Dementia


Impression taking for implant restorations: analog vs. digital impressions
Dr. Cecilia Aragon

Once the implant has healed and the time has come to restore the implant, clinicians need to make sure to have a proper technique for impression to capture not only the position of the implant but also the surrounding anatomy.

1. To review the steps to have a successful implant impression.
To review the impression materials used for implant impressions.
3. To review the differences between open tray and closed tray impressions techniques.
4. To understand the differences between implant level and abutment level impressions and when do we use each one.
5. To understand the differences between analog impressions and digital impressions.


Peri-implant diseases: Etiology, diagnosis, and treatment
Dr. John Tsourounakis

Dental implants have been proven a successful and constantly growing in popularity treatment modality to replace missing teeth. As the utilization of dental implants increases, oral health care providers will be challenged with more complications which will affect the survival of dental implants, as well as their success rate. Peri-implant diseases are the most commonly encountered complications. Diagnosis and management of such complications are becoming an integral part of everyday practice. This presentation will review the etiology and diagnosis of peri-implant diseases. Several treatment modalities will also be presented, aiming to arrest peri-implant inflammation and bone loss, regenerate the missing bone structure, and ensure the sustainability of the outcome.

After taking this course, participants should be able to:

1. Understand the etiology and pathogenesis of peri-implant diseases.
Diagnose complications related to dental implants.
3. Identify risk factors that could influence the outcome of treatment.
4. Select the appropriate treatment modality to manage peri-implant diseases.


Misfits: truths and myths; how we can improve accuracy of implant supported prosthetics
Dr. Ryan Keyes

Overview of prosthetic misfits related to implant dentistry.
Review of implant design and interface with prosthetic components:

– Internal vs external connections

– Single vs multi-unit prosthetics

Factors leading to prosthetic misfit:

inaccurate impressions/ inaccurate master castolab issues

tight contacts from adjacent dentition/ restoration

tissue interferences/ impingement

mixing parts/ 3rd party components

use of engaging components in multi-unit case scenario

use of deformed component/ reinsert

Learning Objectives:

Determine suitable clinical parameters to obtain accuracy and assess fit of implant components. Monitor success and troubleshoot common issues


Biologic and Prosthetic factors when replacing a single tooth

Dr. Cecilia Aragon

The success of a dental implant restoration is dependant on proper treatment planning.  Clinicians must assess bone quality and quantity and how much prosthetic space we have for a successful restoration. In many cases, replacing a single tooth with a dental implant presents more challenges than replacing multiple teeth with implants.

1. To analyze the edentulous region before proposing an implant to patients.
2. To understand proper positioning of implants on all 3 dimensions.

3. To understand the differences between biologic space and prosthetic space.
4. To select a proper implant diameter when replacing a particular tooth and understand the rationale for it.


7 Habits of Highly Effective Socket Grafting

Dr. Joshua Shieh

To satisfy the ideal goals of implant dentistry, hard and soft tissue volume should always present in ideal dimensions. The alveolar bone is always affected after an extraction, that socket grafting is indicated to achieve optimal bone dimension. One of the reasons for socket grafting include an esthetic appearance especially in the anterior alveolar ridge. Prior to the advent of various bone grafting materials and membranes, the socket historically was allowed to heal by secondary intention.  It has been well documented in scientific literature that following an extraction of a tooth and healing by secondary intention, the alveolus loses both bone volume and height.

Depending on the dimensions of the extraction site and remaining alveolar walls, the majority of bone loss occurs in both a horizontal and vertical dimension. This bone loss becomes challenging for the clinician to restore the lost tooth in the ideal condition. This presentation will explain briefly the 7 effective habits of a successful socket graft.

1. Importance of socket site preservation for a potential future implant and restoration
2. Materials and methods in achieving successful ridge dimension preservation
3. Effective clinical pointers to generating a simple and predictable implant practice


Overcoming Vertical Ridge Deficiency in Maxilla: Immediate & Early Implant placement using CAS kit for TSFE

Dr. Jay Son

Dental Implant Surgery being minimally invasive is every dental surgeon’s goal today; however, it is also the most challenging aspect of implant surgery. CAS kit & its clinical utilization of safer transcrestal sinus floor elevation should be one of the least invasive but yet very efficient approach the surgeon can take when encountering vertical ridge deficiencies in the posterior maxilla. This webinar is designed to illustrate & to share how one can utilize the CAS kit in early & Immediate implant placement with TSFE in more predictable manner. 

1. Maxillary Sinus: Brief Review of Anatomy, Blood Supply, Ostium
2. Pre-OP CBCT Analysis: Prerequisite for Successful TSFE 
3. CAS Kit: Comparison with Traditional TSFE & Lateral Approach
4. Things to consider in immediate & early implant placement: Review of external dimensional change after extraction & optimal timing for implant placement
5. Case Review: Application of CAS kit & ESSET kit for Early & Immediate Implant Placement


Fabricating Provisionals for implant esthetics

Dr. Shankar Iyer

This Webinar will highlight ways of fabricating provisionals and then transferring this information to the lab for communicating the emergence profile in the esthetic zone.  Ways to customize soft tissue at stage II will also be illustrated

1. The participants will be able to understand the various methods to fabricate provisional restorations on implants to create ideal emergence profiles
2. Communication with lab for soft tissue contours will be enhanced to facilitate ideal restorations without ridge laps in the esthetic zone.


Screw-retained vs. cemented restorations: the Controversy

Dr. Cecilia Aragon

Peri-implantitis is the number one cause of implant failure. In some cases this is caused by residual cement left behind after cementation of a crown. This finding has led clinicians to advocate screw-retained crowns.

1. To understand how cement induced peri-mucositis and peri-implantitis develops.
To review proper placement of implant to guarantee a screw retained restoration.
3. To review some techniques to cement an implant crown to minimize residual cement in the sulcus.
4. To review septs and rationale for Screwed vs cement retained bridges.


Management of extraction defects – to graft or not to graft

Dr. Shankar Iyer

Socket grafting or site preservation has always been the hallmark of ridge preservation.  However grafts and ridge preservation is not always guaranteed and many a times, the graft materials dont end up preserving the ridge width and height.  This webinar will review methods to manage extraction defects.  materials for grafting along with appropriate membranes will be taught.

1. Methods to minimize bone loss during extraction
2. Practical classification of extraction defects
3. Review of graft materials for extraction sockets
4. Utilization of various types of membranes for containing grafts.


Soft Tissue Management for GP

Dr. Jay Son

As many challenges as GPs face on daily basis in clinics, it is rather essential for GPs to understand and to manage the soft tissue before, during, and after the clinical procedures; Being able to recognize and to apply some of soft tissue management skills can excel the GPs to the next level for maintaining the patient’s better oral health in general. If so, what are some of the guidelines one can keep in mind in order to manage those procedures safer & more successful?

1. Key differences between the soft tissue surrounding the implant & the natural teeth: contributing to the difference in Biological Width
Understanding of soft tissue anatomy; Critical differences between keratinized gingiva & alveolar mucosa
3. How to successfully manage peri-implant soft tissue @ different stages of implant placement
4. Incorporating different clinical approaches to gain keratinized gingiva: APF, FGG, APF with FGG, CTG
5. Understand the different types of palate & Ridge difficiency: knowing the anatomy to manage intraoperative complication
6. Graft Harvest: Several different types of clinical approach
7. Labial Frenectomy


Lateral Window Approach with the LAS Kit

Dr. Joshua Shieh

Maxillary sinus floor augmentation is a routine surgical procedure in the posteriormaxilla for patients who have inadequate height of remaining alveolar bone for dental implants. When the maxillary molar is extracted, the sinus floor tends to shift with time due to the pneumatization of the maxillary sinus.To allow the surgeon to place an implant of adequate length, this limited vertical bone height needs augmentation which could be approached indirectly through the crestal approach. Smaller dimensions can be augmented and achieved through this conventional route. However, when larger bone volumes are to be augmented due to severe pneumatized sinuses, a lateral window approach is performed to allow for sinus grafting. This presentation will focus on the technique of a lateral window approach using the specially designed LAS kit by Hiossen.

1. Diagnose and evaluate individual edentulous sites that are indicated for a lateral window sinus surgery
2. Understand in detail the advantages of the use of the LAS kit that can help simply the procedure
3. Simple chairside clinical pointers that will allow you to gain confidence in performing this complex procedure.


Timing of Implant Placement

Dr. Yohan Kim 

Understanding the hard and soft tissue changes of post-extraction sockets and the condition of the anatomy of the future implant site is essential for clinicians in deciding when and where future implants should be placed. This webinar will discuss a simplified decision-making protocol that will help guide clinicians on the timing of implant placement.

  1. It will help learn to optimize treatment planning of implant surgery and advantages and disadvantages of implant placements in different timing.


Workflow for a single implant restoration: from surgery to delivery of crown

Dr. Cecilia Aragon

Tooth replacement with an implant retained crown has shown to be as predictable as a tooth supported fixed partial denture. There are advantages and disadvantages to both treatment modalities. Implant supported crowns have shown to present less complications and less financial burden when treating these complications. This webinar will review the steps in replacing a single tooth with a dental implant crown, from placement of the implant to delivery of the crown.

1. To identify patients who are good candidates for implant crowns.
To review some surgical aspects when placing a single implant.
To review proper impression techniques for an implant crown.
4. To review steps in delivering a single implant crown.

“Get that out and screw this in” – Immediate Dental Implants in Everyday Practice

Dr. Joshua Shieh

Immediate dental implants have been in clinical practise for the past 20 years since the first case report published in the year 1989. The term immediate implant placement refers to the placement of the implant fixture at the same time of tooth extraction. This protocol allows for several advantages including a reduction in the number of surgical appointments, preservation of bone height and width, improved quality of life, increased patient comfort and satisfaction.The individual healing potential of the fresh extraction socket as well as the advances in implant surface characteristics may provide better opportunities for osseointegration. With careful patient selection, immediate implant placement has gained wide acceptance within the scientific community. Several authors have shownsuccess rates can be achieved which aresimilar to those obtained for delayed implants placed into fully healed extraction sites.

1. Clinical evaluation, patient selection of a potential immediate implant.
2. Surgical armamentarium, protocol to implement immediate implants.
3. Chairside tips and wisdom cracks for smooth execution of immediate implants.


Surgical Techniques for Successful GBR

Dr. Richard Yoo

Guided Bone Regeneration is one of the main surgical techniques for bone augmentation and has become routine in daily practice to improve local bone volume which is an important prerequisite for the long-term stability of implants. Proper understanding of surgical procedures is an integral part for successful GBR to avoid complications such as membrane exposure, and yet we are often focused on biomaterials.

In this presentation, we will focus on surgical techniques based on:

1. The “PASS” principles of GBR
Considerations for incision & flap design
3. How to attain tension free closure with minimal dead space


The edentulous patient. Treatment Planning the  Prosthetic options

Dr. Cecilia Aragon

According to a Survey (2003) from Statistics Canada, 9 % of Canadians aged 15 and over had no natural teeth and 30 % of Canadians aged 65 and over had no natural teeth. As patients are living longer, we will not see a decrease in patients in our practices with failing dentition or patients who will require to replace their dentures as they do not fit properly anymore.

1. To properly assess patients who will require full mouth extractions.
2. To know how to present treatment options for patients who will require full mouth extractions.
3. To understand what implant retained prosthesis would be the most ideal for a patient based on his/her needs and intraoral anatomy.
4. To understand how to communicate with other dental specialists and dental technicians.

Failing dentition transitioning to completely edentulous.

Dr. Cecilia Aragon

Session I

As patients are living longer, we are seeing more and more patients with failing dentition. These patients, in some instances, will require a full mouth clearance due to many reasons: finances, medical reasons, advanced oral disease, etc. Being able to plan an appropriate treatment based on patients’ needs, meeting realistic expectations is of paramount importance.

  1. To review all the data to be gathered for a patient with failing dentition.
  2. To understand the importance of auxiliary methods for diagnosis.
  3. To review important steps for fabrication of immediate dentures.


Session II

As a follow up of Session I, this 1-hour seminar will describe the prosthetic different options that we can offer to our edentulous population.

Learning Objectives

  1. To review the steps for a fixed complete denture.
  2. To review steps for a 2 implant overdenture.
  3. To understand the prosthetic space needed for different prostheses for an edentulous patient. 


Immediate Placement Part I

Dr. Richard Yoo

Immediate dental implant placement possibly with immediate temporization is a set of skills that we must master to meet our patient’s ever-growing demands. However, it requires a careful case selection and a specific treatment protocol because it is a very sensitive technique and more difficult to execute than a conventional protocol. In this series of presentations, important factors and techniques to consider with immediate dental implant placement as a treatment option will be discussed. 

  1. Timing of Implant Placement
  2. Tissue Response after Tooth Extraction
  3. Decision Making
  4. Immediate implant considerations


Implant Overdentures:  Treatment Planning to Surgery

Dr. Brian Ho 

Do you have patients that suffer from ill-fitting or non-retentive dentures? With implant-retained overdentures, you can provide your patients with a cost-effective solution that gives them excellent prosthesis retention with a simple surgery. During this webinar, I’ll discuss treatment planning as it relates to implant overdentures, surgical steps for a successful outcome, and how to convert the existing denture into an implant-retained overdenture. Learn how to virtually eliminate denture adjustment appointments which will lead to increased satisfaction for both the provider and the patient.

  1. This course will help you to understand the different types of implant overdentures available as well as help you decide which type is appropriate for a variety of clinical situations.
  2. Participants will also have a good understanding of important anatomy as it relates to implant surgery in the maxilla and mandible.
  3. Finally, the webinar will help participants to understand the surgical and prosthetic protocols related to implant overdenture therapy.


Tackling those Tricky Third Molars

Dr. Nekky Jamal

Do you have patients that suffer from ill-fitting or non-retentive dentures? With implant-retained overdentures, you can provide your patients with a cost-effective solution that gives them excellent prosthesis retention with a simple surgery. During this webinar, I’ll discuss treatment planning as it relates to implant overdentures, surgical steps for a successful outcome, and how to convert the existing denture into an implant-retained overdenture. Learn how to virtually eliminate denture adjustment appointments which will lead to increased satisfaction for both the provider and the patient.

  1. This course will help you to understand the different types of implant overdentures available as well as help you decide which type is appropriate for a variety of clinical situations.
  2. Participants will also have a good understanding of important anatomy as it relates to implant surgery in the maxilla and mandible.
  3. Finally, the webinar will help participants to understand the surgical and prosthetic protocols related to implant overdenture therapy.


Increasing the Predictability of Implant Surgery: Essential Checklists 

Dr. Jay Son

Session I

As fascinating as the implant surgery is, It is quite common to see some of our cases turning into more unpredictable, or even into very complicated cases. Depending on the clinical situation, the unpredictable can be managed to be more predictable with a minimum chance of complications by going over the checklists, both pre-operatively, intra-operatively & post-operatively. Treatment planning implant surgeries, when coordinated with proper checklists, can greatly improve the results to be more successful.

  1. PRE-operative Checklists 
  • Understanding indications vs contraindications for implant surgeries 
  • Treatment planning both free-handed & guided surgery in more predictable manners; comprehending the rationales behind & treatment planning exercises
  • Sinus Augmentation: Pre-OP CBCT analysis checklists


Session II

  1. PRE-operative Checklists 
  • GBR Principles; simplified approaches in selecting bone graft materials & membranes 
  • Recommended protocols in managing bone defects/deficiencies under different clinical situations end of session

  2. Intra-operative Checklists 

  • Primary determinants of Implant surgery 
  • Incision Designs 
  • Keritinized Gingiva & Graft Harvest Recommendations for Soft tissue augmentations


Session III

  1. Intra-operative Checklists
  • GBR Guidelines for Graft materials & Membranes
  • Flap Advancement & Tension control
  • CAS KIT: 3 Checkpoints for safer TSFE
  • Immediate Implant Placement: Things to consider
  • Suturing: suture materials choice under different clinical situations

  2. Post-operative Checklists


Join the Immediate Locator Overdenture Revolution

Dr. Ho-Young Chung

The DEMAND for Practical, Affordable, and Predictable Implant Solutions is on the rise.  Both partially dentate and edentulous patients WANT Teeth that are both Aesthetic and Functional.  Immediate loading (as in same-day solution) of overdentures can be accomplished successfully and predictably as an alternative to a fixed solution.  Let’s go over the concept that has been developed and evolved through 500+ arches of immediately loaded overdentures

  1. Why immediately load an overdenture?  
  2. Fixed vs Removable?
  3. Is immediately loading implants dangerous?
  4. What type of implants increases the success rate?
  5. How can we eliminate bone loss around implants?


Predictable Immediate Molar Placement

Dr. Kwon Kim

What are the requirements for successful immediate molar therapy? 
Ideal implant position, depth, and different techniques to overcome soft and hard tissue deficiencies will be discussed.  

  1. why immediate molar?
  2. pros and cons
  3. Ideal position and depth
  4. How to overcome hard and soft tissue deficiencies


Transcrestal Sinus Floor Elevation with CAS KIT: TSFE Surgery (Video) Review with Commentary

Dr.Jay Son

Despite the Transcrestal sinus floor elevation(TSFE) being a routine procedure to compensate for posterior maxilla atrophy, complications happen more often beyond our anticipations. The TSFE surgery video will be reviewed with commentary, mainly to discuss the strategies to avoid & minimize the complications; is there a simpler way to elevate the sinus floor & to gain favorable prognosis in longer-term?

  • Maxillary Sinus: Brief Review of Anatomy, Blood Supply, Ostium 
  • Pre-OP CBCT Analysis: Prerequisite for Successful TSFE  
  • CasKit: Comparison with Traditional TSFE & Lateral Approach 
  • TSFE Surgery Video Review: strategies to avoid complications


Achieving predictability in implant dentistry Introducing the Cervico system for optimal emergence profile development

Dr.John Tsourounakis

Adequate quality and quantity of peri-implant mucosal tissues is a major determinant of tissue health and long-term implant success. It is critical to understand the importance of balance and harmony between the restoration and the surrounding tissues. This allows clinicians to achieve success when replacing missing teeth with dental implants. This presentation will highlight the importance of creating an ideal emergence profile for dental implant restorations, as well as the importance of accurately transferring this information to the lab. Multiple techniques for optimal peri-implant tissue development will also be reviewed. This presentation will discuss the Cervico concept, an innovative system that highlights the simplicity in custom healing abutment fabrication, aiming to develop ideal peri-implant soft tissues. The Cervico system allows clinicians to establish an optimal emergence profile, utilizing a standardized, biologically oriented approach. It also, allows the restorative dentist to customize the impression coping, to provide the laboratory with accurate soft-tissue impressions. Creating a proper emergence profile is essential to maintain the integrity of peri-implant soft tissues. Custom healing abutments help maintain the gingival architecture and create an ideal emergence profile, for future implant restorations.

Upon completion of this presentation, participants should be able to:

1. Realize the importance of adequate volume and keratinization of peri-implant soft tissues on the maintenance of peri-implant health and soft issue esthetics.
2. Develop and maintain ideal soft tissue architecture around implant-supported restorations.
3. Understand and utilize the 
Cervico system to generate anatomical emergence profiles around dental implants.
4. Identify the need for pre-prosthetic soft tissue augmentation and peri-implant tissue enhancement.
5. Understand how to accurately transfer the soft tissue profile to the laboratory technician to facilitate accurate fabrication of the final implant-supported restoration.


Implant Abutment Selection and Fabrication

Dr. Nesrine Mostafa

There are several options for implant abutment designs and materials for single and complex implant rehabilitations. This webinar will discuss in details factors to consider in customizing implant-based restorations for each patient for long-term success.

1. Discuss Factors to be considered when selecting implant abutments for single and full archcases
Classification of implant abutments

         – Method of fabrication

         – Material selection

         – Crown/abutment design 

3. Design parameters for implant restorations.
4. Clinical and radiographic evaluation of implant abutments.
5. Discuss Factors to be considered when to splint or not to splint implant crowns.


Marketing Dental Implants: Case presentation strategies to increase treatment acceptance

Dr. Waji Khan

The purpose of the seminar is to empower the participants to create a community of practice within their office such that all team members can understand the role which strategy, structure, internal referral, external referral, marketing materials, treatment planning, financial arrangements, mentorship programs and public implant seminars play in helping to educate & inform their patient base about dental implants; and how this can relate to increasing case acceptance by patients.

The participants will learn:

10 ways that they can improve their practice today.
3 Mistakes that all people make when designing marketing programs.
5 Ways that they can make their offices more efficient.

Applying Key Concepts into Basic Implant Surgery: Video with Commentary

Dr. Jay Son

Consensus of implant treatment being a gold standard for edentulism has been established over last few decades; however, dentists have the general fear toward the implant surgery. This webinar is designed to promote GPs toward more implant treatments in clinics. Fundamental concepts and simple techniques that can be applied during implant treatment are discussed in the surgery with commentary.

The participants will learn: 

  • Concept of successful osseointegration: primary & secondary stability against fibro-integration
  • Dental implant treatment Sequences: 1 stage vs 2 stage
  • Controlling the depth of installation: Biological Width of implant
  • Incision designs & suturing principles
  • Video with commentary

Immediate Anterior with Temporization

Dr. Brian Ho

Immediate placement with immediate temporization is a critical skill set that all implant dentists will need to become familiar with or be left behind. Not only are the results ideal when the criteria and protocols are followed, but patient acceptance is unlike any other implant treatment. Learn how to predictably replace hopeless teeth with dental implants and fixed temporization in the aesthetic zone.

Participants will learn:

  • Identify when we can immediately place and temporize dental implants
  • Learn the principles of atraumatic extraction
  • Identify when hard tissue grafting is needed for immediate implant placement
  • Learn about 3D positioning of the implant for aesthetic success
  • Learn how to fabricate a fixed provisional restoration

Immediate Implant Placement Provisionalization

Dr. Zachary Mursic

This webinar will review the guidelines for proper immediate implant placement and provisionalization. Participants will learn the proper implant angulation, depth, and positioning needed for anterior and posterior implants. In addition, a simple workflow showing how to make immediate implant temporaries chair side with proper subgingival height of contours will be discussed to help patients maximize soft tissue esthetics in anterior cases.

Understanding the Indications of Ridge Deficiency & The Key Concepts for Hard Tissue Regeneration

Dr. Jay Son

Dental implant surgeries are becoming more popular today as more surgical guide systems are becoming readily available for clinicians. Unfortunately, however, it remains as a challenge when tentative implant site lacks the quantity of the bone to support the fixture. Recognition of different types of alveolar ridge deficiencies and how to favor bone regenerations are discussed during this webinar.

The participants will learn:

· Alveolar Ridge Difficiency; indications for the ridge augmentation
· Key concepts to understand before the hard tissue augmentation
· Managing different types of Bone Defects: how to avoid complications depending on the classification of bony defects

Predictable Hard & Soft Tissue Management for Implant Dentistry

Dr. Thomas T. Nguyen

In many clinical cases patients will require some of sort of bone regeneration for success and long term prognosis. The management of both hard and soft tissues are vital factors clinicians must understand and master to ensure that treatment is possible with desired posible results.  Dr. Thomas T. Nguyen is a leading Canadian Periodontist and a passionate educator at McGill University in Montreal.

The participants will learn:

· PASS Principals for hard and soft tissue success
· Overview of suturing principals, evidence based selection of GBR materials
· See real world cases of successful GBR