Saline and blood proves beneficial in sinus surgery
Various maxillary sinus elevation techniques using bone grafts and bone substitutes are frequently used to enable the placement of dental implants in the posterior maxilla.
Various maxillary sinus elevation techniques using bone grafts and bone substitutes are frequently used to enable the placement of dental implants in the posterior maxilla.
Various techniques are available for elevating the sinus membrane. The aim of this study is to evaluate three methods of indirect sinus floor elevation regarding elevation heights of 7mm on the outcomes of membrane perforation, length of perforation, and time required to perform the procedure.
The aim of this clinical case report was to evaluate the success of implants placed at the time of alveolar bone augmentation using simultaneous guided bone regeneration (“Sandwich” bone augmentation technique ) inpatient suffering from insufficient bone width.
Why Dental Implant? By Karen Young F.A.D.I.A If you have lost one or more of your natural teeth, it is essential to determine the best way to replace them …
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Mini-implant system is applicable to areas of narrow space and area requiring temporary loading support. The purpose of this study was to evaluate …
The purpose of this preliminary study is to investigate the feasibility of no bone graft in maxillary sinus elevation during the implant treatment and to evaluate the amount of bone formation under a sinus membrane tented with implants and filled with saline or venous blood as a graft material in edentulous area of maxillary posterior.
The purpose of this preliminary study is to evaluate the ability of customized three-dimensional titanium mesh (SMARTbuilder, Osstem, Korea) as a barrier membrane through investigation of clinical implant success rates and complications including crestal bone…
This study is to evaluate the survival rate of the SSII implants for 4 years using radiographic parameters and to review the retrieved implants by the cytotoxicity tests.
One of the common problems of dental implant prosthesis is the loosening of the screw that connects each component, and this problem is more common in single implant-supported prostheses with external connection and in Molars.